Training Centre for Tuberculosis Control in Prisons formally was found in March, 2012, however has been functioning actively within the framework of the TB control project and supported by international organizations since 1995. The TC core personnel are WHO experts, active TB control project managers and professional health care specialists. Trainers and tutors have passed TOT training provided by WHO expert and possess wide experience in trainings delivery. In May, 2014 the Training Centre has been designated as WHO Collaborating Centre (СС) on prevention and control of TB in Prisons and was added to the relevant database: In 2018 and 2022 the status was extended for the next 4 years.
The Trainings agenda is based on WHO up-to-date recommendations and includes the core aspects of TB and MDR-TB control in Prisons Programme.
Each year about 16 training are offered for different audiences: a) non medical personnel of Penitentiary system; b) Penitentiary System Primary Health Centers medical staff (peripheral institutions); c) Penitentiary System Secondary Health Institution medical staff (general hospitals); d) medics from Specialized Treatment Institution Penitentiary System Tertiary Health Institution medical staff (Specialized Treatment Institution on TB treatment); e) Lab technicians from Primary to Tertiary level Lab.
14 International Training Courses have been conducted since 2012 till the end of 2023 for 180 participants from 23 countries. Alongside the countries of the region, representatives of the Philippines, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, the Chinese People's Republic, Iraq, South Africa and El Salvador, involved in tuberculosis control mostlyin Penitentiary Institutions, participated in the trainings. Based on relevant requests, several training sessions have been performed abroad, as well.
Around 160 Trainings have been held for local participants. The Courses have covered 748 doctors, 519 paramedical staff, 1014 penitentiary services officers, 92 healthcare facilities doctors of the Ministry of Health.
Till the end 2023, 21 delegations from 12 countries: the United Kingdom, the People's Republic of China, Philippines, the Republic of Iraq, Türkiye, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan,Turkmenistan, Belarus, Moldova visited Baku to learn about Azerbaijan’s successful experience in TB Control.
Collaborating Centre core staff:
- Medical Specialists of the Ministry of Justice
- Leading specialists of the Ministry of Health’s Scientific Research Institutes and TB facilities
- International experts
- Experienced medical practitioners doctors
- Professors of the Justice Academy
Target audience:
- Doctors and paramedical staff of the Specialized Treatment Institution (STI)
- STI non-medical staff (administrative staff, supervisors, regime and operational units)
- Penitentiary facilities’ multidisciplinary physicians, paramedical and laboratory staff
- Penitentiary Services non-medical staff (administrative staff, supervisors, regime and operational units)
- Penitentiary Services Militarized Structures staff
- TB doctors of the Ministry of Health’s Facilities
- New recruited medical doctors of the Penitentiary Facilities
- International trainees implementing activities against TB in penitentiary and civil sectors
- Modern methods and principles for TB diagnostics and treatment
- WHO up-to-date guidelines on TB control and their implementation
- Specifics of TB prevention, detection and diagnosis in prison settings
- TB control measures and specifics of their implementation in penitentiary facilities
- The safety management rules for corrections personnel communicating with inmates
- TB/HIV and TB/hepatitis C co-infections
- Modern laboratory methods for TB diagnostics
- Treatment follow-up after releaseof the prisoners with TB
- Various topics upon requests
The Training Courses are conducting upon the annually approved training plan.