The Programme of TB control in Penitentiary System of Azerbaijan has been awarded with International Corrections and Prisons Assosiation (ICPA) 2013 Healthcare Award for efforts and initiatives within the correctional sphere.
The award was presented to MMD MoJ representatives at the Assosiation’s 15th Anual General Meeting (AGM) and Conference, which took place in Colorado Springs, USA, 27th October-01st November and participated by a significant number of the world’s leaders and experts in corrections from the public, voluntary, academic and private sectors.
ICPA is a non-governmental organisation in Special Consultative Status with the Economic and Social Council of the United Nations (ECOSOC). The ICPA was formed to operate as an Association for corrections and prison professionals, dedicated to improving global understanding and professionalism in the sector. The Association has an internationally-regarded awards programme that recognises meritorious projects or contributions to best practice in the areas of offender management and reintegration; community corrections; training and development as well as two awards particular to the work of the Association.